28 Aralık 2007 Cuma

To the South

It's been three months and in this three months I was nearly always diving to be able to get my PADI Dive Master certificate.......The fist month I was in Utila and Roatan, Bay Islands, Honduras and the last two months in Caye Caulker Belize. There is so much to tell...
The higlights of this three months were the shark diving I had done in Roatan, Honduras and my encounter with dolphines both in Roatan and in Caye Caulker, Belize......Diving with a school of Grey Reef sharks (which are 2 meters long in average) I recognized how beatiful these creatures in fact are.....We were in fact brainwashed about their exaggerated dangers. They are elegant creatures that need to be approached with caution....The underwater creatures are usually friendly (non-belligerent) if you do not hustle them and are not agressive (a few shark species are exceptions)

Altough my first encounter with dolphines was in a confined water environment in Anthony's Key resort in Honduras, it was phenomenal.....I felt waves of indescribable bliss while I was swiming with them...My second encounter with dolphines was during my Dive master course in open water, Caye Caulker, Belize.. ..While I was trying to find my group I was lost due to the poor visibility conditions and the current.....Trying to find my way back to the boat my heart was pumping fast because I was worried...and just at that moment three dolphines -one of them a baby- appeared 10 meteres away from me...They aproached me slowly, hovered around me for a while checking me out and then left leaving me with feelings of comfort and security.....With their presence I felt I was somehow protected......Dolphines have amazing sonar-like perception organs and they can feel the human heart beat.....After my encounter with dolphines I appreciate life more than ever...This amazing and mind blowing creation

Maya Unification Day and Winter Solistice in Tikal

This December the 21st I was in Tikal for the Mayan Unification day and the winter solistice celebrations ...Tikal is one of the most amazing ancient Mayan cities in central America located in Guatemala....The celebrations lasted two days. The night we spent around the big fire in front of the Jaguar temple with the hyms of the shamans was phenomenal....Dancing and chanting with the shamans and fellow sisters and brothers in the center of Tikal, the heart of the Mayan Civilization, putting incense to the fire representing the light and love that burns within each of us was awe inspiring......All the prayers were for a unified human family