4 Temmuz 2008 Cuma

The Promised Land

Look at my right hand...It points to the heavens, the promised (holy) land.... which is not a real estate......You are in the promised land when you are like me...Innocent..Like a child...Look at my left hand..It is a weaving tool...While connected to the heavens, while you are in the promised land you shall still weave beatiful rugs, carpets, things that make this life a better, more beaitiful place....Rug Maker the Buddha-The Bodhisatva-The Enlightened One

Sag elime bak...vaad edilmis topraklari, gokleri gosteriyor, vaad edilmis topraklar emlakcinin isi degil... Benim gibi, bir cocuk gibi masum oldugunda vaadedilmis topraklardasin demektir..Sag elime bak bu bir dokuma makarasi...Vaad edilmis topraklarda olsan bile bu olaganustu yaratilisa guzel seyler katmaya devam etmelisin, guzel halilar, kilimler...Kilimci Buda-Bodisatva-Ermis

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